Home Music Congo Gospel Music Noelie Elykem – Oklm (Au Calme)

Noelie Elykem – Oklm (Au Calme)


Noelie Elykem – Oklm (Au Calme)

Congolese are among the top africans that are so talented and gifted when it comes to music and entertainment as well as music that as to do with spirituality. Here is a Congo-brazzaville contemporary worship leader Noelie Elykem.

Today, she drops an important and glorious sounds of worshi which she tagged as Oklm (Au Calme), now available on all platforms. Get it below and share your thoughts.



Noelie Elykem Oklm (Au Calme) Lyrics

Couplet1 / Verse 1*
Dans la nuit j’étais perdue
In the middle of the night I was lost

Avec Le cœur tout fendu
With my heart in pieces

Sans espoir sans repère
No hope , no reference

Je savais pas où aller
Did not know where to go

Les gens m ont délaissée
People gave up on me

J étais abandonnée
I was abandoned

Il n y avais pas d issues
There was no way out

Car j avait tout perdu
And I have lost all

Mais mon Dieu est vivant
But my God is alive

Il ne faillit jamais
He never fails

Quand il fait ses choses
When He works on His ways

Personne ne peut comprendre
We might not understand

L’ennemi a cru que c était finit pour moi
The enemy thought it was over for me

Mon papa a parlé
My daddy spoke

Ils sont tous étonnés
And all were surprised

Refrain1/Chorus 1
Dieu m’a bénie ooo Il a changé ma vie oo
God has blessed me , He turned my life around

Il m a touchée , c est Mon heure qui a sonné
He touched me , my time has come

Il m a élevée ooo , J’ai changé de niveau aye
He has lifted me , my level has changed

Toujours à mes côtés , Il me comble de joie oo
Always by my side , to make my joy full

Couplet 2/ Verse 2
La vie la vie la ooo faut pas se presser
In this life , no need to be impatient

Tout ce que tu traverse te prépare pour ta gloire
Everything you go through will work for your glory

Les ruptures les déceptions
Break ups , disappointments

Les Maladies , les échecs
Sickness and failures

Souvent inévitables ,alors faudra rester fort oo
Often unavoidable , So one must remain strong

Mais Dieu est toujours là
For God is always there

Il ne dort jamais
He never sleeps

Quand il fait ses choses souvent on ne peut comprendre
When he works , we might not understand

Regarde autours de toi , t’ as milles et une raison
Look around you , so many reasons

Aujourd’hui est calé , crois que demain sera mieux
Today is OK , believe tomorrow will be greater

Refrain2 / Chorus 2
Dieu t’a béni oo, Il a changé ta vie o
God has blessed you , He turned your life around

Il t’a touché , C est ton heure qui a sonné
He touches you , your time has come

Il t’a élevé oo, Tu changes de niveau
He lifts you , your level changes

Toujours à tes côtés , Il te comble de joie
Always by your side , to make your joy full

OKLM ( Au calme) , OKLM
At Ease , God put me at ease !

Tout le monde



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