Home Music Video I Will Lift You High + Amazing Love by Sunnypraise Adoga

I Will Lift You High + Amazing Love by Sunnypraise Adoga

I Will Lift You High by Sunnypraise Adoga
I Will Lift You High by Sunnypraise Adoga

Nigerian gospel music sensation Sunnypraise Adoga has released two simplistic songs. “I Will Lift You High“, a highlife afrocentric rhythm praises the glorious name of God for His marvelous deeds.

Sunnypraise further ushers “Amazing Love” to the saints, in reminiscence of the awe-sparking love of God. Love indescribable, unspeakable and unexplainable.

Speaking about the new release, Sunnypraise writes: God is awesome and amazing. He always showers us with immeasurable love – the unquenchable love of an amazing Father to His beloved children. Most amazingly, this love is eternal as scripture says in Romans 8:38-39.

What shall we render for His immeasurable gift of love, of His only beloved and begotten son given for our redemption? If we were to give Him a thousand cattle on a thousand hills, even the hills and the cattle belong to the owner of the universe. But our amazing Father desires something of us. A humble and a contrite heart He will not despise. A heart of worship that is ready to lay down everything in totality to praise the God of love, and Father of all. Hence let us praise Him as we lift up holy hands and praise, dance, and give exultant praise to the King of kings and Lord of lords.

The new double single will surely bless Christians, worshippers and music lovers worldwide.


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