Home Church Event Shiloh Winners Chapel Live Stream Winners Kingdom Advancement Prayers 2022 PDF

Winners Kingdom Advancement Prayers 2022 PDF

Winners Kingdom Advancement Prayers 2022 PDF
Winners Kingdom Advancement Prayers 2022 PDF



  1. Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for confirming the “Turnaround” prophetic agenda of 2021 in the Winners family worldwide -1 Kgs 8:15
  2. Father, in the name of Jesus, thank You for sending Your Word with power over the years thereby making this Church a green pasture where the saints are well nourished and established-Psalm. 23:2
  3. Father, thank You for the supernatural growth of our Churches in the Commission worldwide in the year 2021-1 Cor. 3:6
  4. Father, in the name of Jesus, thank You for the continuous flow of the ‘right word’, the ‘sent word’ and the ‘word in season all through the year 2021-Psa. 68:11
  5. Father, thank You for the miracle of supernatural cell growth and replication in our Churches across the globe in the year 2021 -Psa. 118:23


  1. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every Winner be christened with a new name, “More than a Conqueror all through the year 2022 -Isa. 62:2
  2. Father grant every Winner an encounter with your Word of ‘more than a conqueror all through 2022 that will lead to dramatic change of stories -Isa 9:8
  3. Father, let every member be supernaturally empowered to be more than a conqueror in all areas of life in 2022 -Psa. 110:1-3
  4. Father, grant every Winner grace to remain in partnership with you in advancing Your kingdom this year, thereby becoming more than a conqueror-Mat. 2819-20
  5. Father let every Winner be turned into an eny of his or her world by encounter with Your word in 2022-Gen. 26:1/14
  6. Father, we decree seasons of multiple change of levels for the Winner’s family both as individuals and as a Commission in 2022-Ezk. 21-27
  7. Father, release the spirit of the fear of the Lord upon every Winner to continue to gain access to divine wisdom, thereby empowering us to be more than a conqueror in 2022 – Gen. 41:48-44
  8. Father, grant to every member of this Church an unquenchable thirst for Your Word this year that will result in diverse breakthrough testimonies -Psa. 105:19-22
  9. Father, grant to every new convert and new members insatiable desire for fellowship thereby going from strength to strength Psa. 4:7
  10. Father stir up the spirit of every Winner towards kingdom advancement endeavours, thereby empowering us to be more than a conqueror this year – Mat 6:33
  11. Father, grant every member access to divine guidance thereby making the more than conquerors agenda a reality in our lives all through 2022 -John 16:12-13
  12. Father, cause every form of ‘grave” holding your people hostage to be opened this year -Ezk. 3712
  13. Father let this year 2022, more than a conqueror answer to its name in the lives of all Winners – Gen. 2:199


  1. Father release upon every Winner the zeal for kingdom advancement prayer, thereby granting us access to be more than conquerors this year -Mat. 6:6/9
  2. Father baptise every Winner with the spirit of dedication in 2022. resulting in diverse breakthrough testimonies-Jhn. 12:23
  3. Father, let the zeal of Your house consume every member of this Church in 2022, to establish your covenant of peace with us -Num. 25:11,12
  4. Father baptise every member of this Church with passion for soul in 2022, resulting in more than conquerors order of testimonies -Dan. 123
  1. Father, continue to visit us in our WSF platform this year thereby granting every participant more than a conqueror order of testimonies -Zph. 3:17
  2. Father grant every WSF location provider the Obededom order of testimonies this year -2 Sam. 6:13
  3. Father, empower every WSF operator with grace to continue to administer life to all participants in our Cell meetings – 1 Pet. 4:11
  1. Father, continue to send us your life transforming word in all our services, that will open new chapters to the lives of all worshippers this year -2 Cor 3:18
  2. Father, let your Word continue to trigger instant healings and deliverances from all oppressions in all our services this year-Psa. 107:20
  3. Father, we decree that no contrary situation in the lives of members shall escape your divine judgment in this year 2022-sa. 4924-26
  4. Father, show Yourself strong and mighty in all our services in every assembly this year 2022 – Zph. 3:177
  5. Father, let Your word of power trigger instant turnaround testimonies in the lives of all worshippers in 2022-Psalm 107-20
  6. Father, send Your word into the lives of all Winners that will deliver to them their multiple turnaround testimonies in 2022-Isa 9.8
  1. Father, let this year of more than conquerors launch this Commission into higher realms of global impact -Gen. 22:16-18
  2. Father, cause an army of world changers to emerge from this Commission through diverse encounters this year -Obad. 21
  3. Father, we decree seasons of unstoppable advancement and enlargement all through this year for this Commission-Isa. 54:2-3
  4. Father, let every barier on the path of this Commission be crushed in this year of more than a conqueror-Isa. 45:1-3
  5. Father, raise an army of financial giants from this Commission that will take the world by storms through diverse encounters this year -Deut 28:2/12-13
  1. Father, uphold Your servant, thee Apostle over this Commission for maximum impact all through this year of more than a conqueror – Isa. 45:1-3
  2. Father, grant divine strength to Your servant in pursuit of More than a conqueror agenda all through 2022 -Eph. 3:16
  3. Father, let there be release of fresh oil upon Your servant for a more than a conqueror order of impact all through 2022-Psa. 89:20
  4. Father let the heaven over Your servant remain open for unusual revelation in 2022, thereby making the more than a conqueror word a reality in the lives of every member-Acts 19-20

Jesus is Lord

Bishop David O. Oyedepo

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